Comments From the West…

Comments that come from the western world are basically based like this:

10% – intelligent and worthy of being a comment…

50% – paid, trolling, pathetic, planted, spam and derisive to any and all websites…

20% – Just plain ignorant…

20% – just plain verbal, bodily and mentally threatening…

Also 80% of the comments circulating the news sites are directional, planted and designed to drive comments away from decent people…

Paid attacking commentators always do many things:

They attack spelling and grammar…

They attack the moral character of the other commentators…

They use name calling as a basic foundation of their attack…

They discredit where you live…

They comment as fast as they can to as many people as they can, to maximize the irritation effect…

They are proud of what they do and being paid helps that feeling…

From Facebook to the local news site, the trolls continue to make the rounds and they only have one object. To soften the blow of bad news against the western governments. Paid lackeys…

The most fun thing about comment trolls is to catch them in a surprise. They many times will assume (With good probability!) that you are just a net surfer that is standing up for the little guy. I get to have the pleasure of this sort of surprise all the time. When I talk about Russia, I talk from experience and there are so many paid trashy commentators that I chose one once in awhile and let him/her hang him/her-self…

They destroy the comment section for real commentators and that is the purpose…

I got one on Facebook yesterday and oh-boy they got pissed. They tried to comment in an obscured India news media and they were sure that they would not be challenged over an article about Russia. They were wrong as I follow hundreds of Eastern news feeds, English or not…

His attack? That I could not live in Russia. That I am not or ever have been to Russia…

Funny! I have heard that for years now and here I am still living in Russia and still loving Russia more and more everyday. I also keep asking these people to meet me! They say they are in Russia and most in Moscow. I really want to meet them and they never ever take me up on my request. I am always up to meeting an ugly sick American that runs around disturbing the social system of the Russians. I am not sure that they really want to meet me though, for I am pretty set on my feelings about Russia and I do not take kindly to paid lackeys running around Russia…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…