The Krim (Crimea) and the western games…

krim+russiaThe hypocrisy of the west is out of control and it disgusts me as an American. I’m tired of my country crapping on international law when it suits their interests and then posing as the defender when it suits their interests…

Facts for the Krim vote:

  • 96% + voted for Crimea to join Russia
  • 02.5% + or – miniscule amounts voted for Crimea to remain a sovereign autonomous republic inside the Ukraine
  • less than 1% of the votes were declared invalid
  • 83% + or – miniscule amounts of the eligible voters participated in this referendum (thus + or – a miniscule amount at around 17%, did not vote)

The truth about the Krim’s future is in the numbers above…

We are being media manipulated. Just as always. For the nefarious purposes of unknown entities that have something to gain from all of this in Ukraine. We have a very serious problem, (we all have in the world,) and that is our news is propaganda, not news reporting. I scour the internet to try to get the various accounts of our current events. I probably am not as informed as I would like to be, but I know the MSM is a failing prospect when it comes to getting reliable information…

I see clearly that the US totally disregards the fact that the coup that drove Yanukovych to flee for his life was in violation of the Ukrainian constitution, while simultaneously decrying the Sunday election as being in violation of the constitution. Of the two, one being a violent coup and the other being an election in Crimea, however hastily conducted, the outcome of which probably did, in fact, represent the will of the majority of voters, which is more of a violation of the constitution and why should one be ignored and the other touted as a legitimate basis for imposing sanctions on Russia and rattling sabers in a most dangerous manner?

I believe that the US fomented the unrest in Ukraine (and in Venezuela and in Chile and in…) for its own geopolitical goals, primary of which is tightening the economic and military noose around Russia (which the US promised Gorbachev it would not do) by installing a government that will request membership in (or affiliation with) NATO and will accept installation of US missiles. I also regard this as criminally stupid behavior by the pitifully weak Obama which Putin must resist…

In the past the US threatened nuclear Armageddon over the completely legal Russian installation of missiles in Cuba, separated from the US by 90 miles of ocean. How does it expect Russia to react to the US fomenting a fascist, anti-Russian coup in a former part of the Soviet Union with a long border with Russia?

The propagandists are NOT all-powerful. Seeds of truth about the MSM’s propaganda role are falling on already fertile ground. There’s hope for our future and there is hope for truth…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…