Humanitarian corridor is open and Russia will keep it open…

Russia explained to Ukraine that it will send an additional humanitarian convoy, along the same route just used a few days ago. More food, water and supplies of the same that had been sent previously is in dire need. This was announced on the news, Monday (08-25-2014)…

The corridor for humanitarian aid has been finally opened and Russia has succeeded very well at what she needed to do. Like I said, “Win – Win,” for Russia and I do not see that corridor being allowed to close. Therefore, expect many more loads of food to be sent to save these people’s lives…

Very sad situation that the west has set up the death of possibly millions of people in East Ukraine, just to satisfy global desires of ruling…

Have a nice day as Libya is in a civil war, Syria is in a civil war, Ukraine is in a civil war and Iraq is in a civil war and all blame can easily be laid right at the heart of the USA and the scum that run the country…

Have a nice day for I sure will… (I do my part and let the world know what is happening and I do not put on blinders about my country, the US of A.)

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…