Russian Village Coffee Thoughts…

The last few days as Sveta and I have been running around and doing things at the Russian Village, I came to a conclusion and with that conclusion, I have a decision to make. It dawned on me as I was digging fence post holes and cutting fence posts in the woods, that I am out of touch with the U.S. and since it is a hundred times worse in America than it was when I left, I no longer know enough about what is happening in the U.S. to talk about it…

Therefore, the dilemma is what to do with Windows to Russia?

I have posted for many years on this blog and right now I have reached around 4500 posts. These posts cover a range of items from old Soviet times to modern-day, America treating Russia like crap…

That is the issue with me, the U.S. treats Russia like crap and 99% of what comes out of America is horse-wash and bull-piss, therefore nothing out of America can be taken with a grain of salt and that extends to the whole Western Empire. What is, is and truth is, what it is. The western Empire is an empire of desecration and degradation and demoralization…

Henceforward, I really dislike thinking about the world that I came from, that use to be at least a semblance of correctness, but has now become the leader of the world in pestilence and perfidiousness. It is just not right and I will not accept what America/West/USA/Canada/Australia/EU and etcetera has become…

I enjoy writing on Windows to Russia and will most likely never stop until I die, though I am thinking of slowing down and I am going to change direction, I just have not decided at which direction I will change to on Windows to Russia…

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For I have seen the future and I am getting ready for it. I realize that I can not change what will be, I can only try to make what will be lessor for Sveta and I and I am damn good at what I do and what I have done in the past. I will use my past to create a protected future against a western world that is collapsing. I realize that no matter what I say and what I do, it does not matter…

When I see thousands and thousands of people lined up for days to get a new iPhone 6, people killing and smashing each other to get Christmas gifts, people starving as we destroy hundreds of thousands of tons of food in anger and etc…

I realize that all is lost and even the religious fanatics worship their iPhone more than God…

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Here is a quote that means a lot to me, it is a quote that explains what we have lost in this world of get it now and satisfy it now and have it your way. It is a quote that should be thought about and we need to get back to the roots of life, for the roots are rotting and the tree is dying…

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”

a Greek proverb…

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268108_221072597935957_3963502_nI am done today, for I have trees to cut, a gutter to fix and a fence to build and my sweetie is helping me, as she smiles and dances through life. What a wonderful girl she is… 🙂

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…