They (Monks) found a new tunnel…

+2 this morning…

IMG0889ASo far this is the only tunnel that I did not know about and I have a feeling that there are more. The earth under the monastery is laced with tunnels. This one goes into the yard of the Blue House and I see where the entrance or exit is. There is a hump of dirt at would be outlet, with a partial collapse of a chamber halfway through the yard. Never saw it before, but it is there…

There are tunnels between the two big buildings, tunnels from the bell tower to the big buildings, tunnels from bell tower to church and tunnels from church to all buildings, plus tunnels down to two homes near us and now a tunnel to the Blue Home…

The tunnels are built way before any village homes and the monastery was here before a village was. Thus the village was built on top of the old monastery…

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I have been watching the babushkas who grow tons of potatoes. It amazed me about how many plants they plant, and the amount of potatoes has to be in the over a ton range easily…

One lady has her son here and he is hauling by two wheeler every morning, to one of the two nearby villages, about 100 pounds equivalent sacks of potatoes. Fresh garden potatoes. The man is my age and he is just here to sell the potatoes for her. This is something she use to do herself, but at mid eighties years old, she just can not do it anymore…

The other babushka, has a better deal going. The people drive up to the village and get their bags of fresh potatoes. She digs them up as they call for them and sets them out near the road all bagged up…

Strange, you would think that they would get together and set up a central base to sell these potatoes?

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IMG0919AFirst frost this morning; only on a few plants and those plants had hair like structures and very thin leaves. Winter is coming and Father Frost is waking up from his short nap. Hope he is not grouchy… ๐Ÿ™‚

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The best thing I did was to stop the beta blockers. I am starting to lose weight again and feel a whole bunch better. The beta blockers made my feet swell and caused me to retain water, very much water, in my body. I am leaning out again and feel better about myself. taking medication is sometimes a two sided situation and you really have to weigh and measure the benefits against the issues…

Now, I am watching my blood sugar levels. Sveta brought me a new meter and if the numbers stay low, as I lose weight, I will be able to reduce the anti- sugar pills as I call them. I have already woke up twice and had to go eat a sweet in the middle of the night. This issue has not happened to me for many years and I know my sugar levels are getting better…

I also watch my blood pressure daily several times a day. It is all good right now and I want it to stay that way…

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Well folks, it is time to finish hauling the last of the cut up wood. Then I start cutting up the trashy wood around the place and finish the third stack of firewood.ย  Today I fill the blue barrel that I just bought, with wood chips and put it inside for dry storage. They make it so that I do not even need paper to start a fire in the stove. A handful of wood chips and off she goes in a wonderful blaze of glory…

I also have to touch the wood stove up and make sure it is all good to go for the winter. For as soon as Sveta comes back down, she will need to have the stove going to stay warm, for a warm Sveta is a happy Sveta and not a grouchy Sveta… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have a nice day and if you want to say “Hi!” Hit the Guestbook link in the menu at the top of the website. Let me know who you are, not who you want to kill… ๐Ÿ™

Comments are history, but saying hello is a good thing…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russiaโ€ฆ