Summer is gone…

Boza and I...
Boza and I…

Soon I will go back to Moscow for a month or less, if Sveta can put up with me? 😉 Then after dealing with a few things, I will be back to the village to stay the winter. I am hoping that Sveta is able to spend the New Years Holidays (9 to 11 days) with me in the village, but that will be a wait and see thing…

When I get back to the village, I will start my winter posts officially. I will be taking pictures and such of what the place looks like all winter. We will see how deep the snow gets and we will see how cold it gets. I have about two cords of wood available and that will see me through a rough winter. I also am cutting another half cord as weather permits…

I am adjusting to the weather and just took a shower out in the rain that is falling. It is +6 Celsius and it was not cold. I feel good and clean, I now have the window open and Boza and I are comfortable. I realize Sveta will make faces at what I just said, but Boza and I are adapting, it feels good and I am watching how this progresses. If you remember correctly, I am a Biologist by degree, so things like this mean a lot to me…

I am thinking about going to town today, but with the rain pouring from the sky, I just may wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow is sunny and cold, but clear and dry. I have a lot to get done tomorrow, for the next week is going to be snowing and -4 Celsius. Therefore, it is time to think winter and frozen, for once winter gets its icy claws deep into the area, it will stay frozen like a rock for 6 months…

I am looking forward to winter, my only issue is that having to leave, may make it hard to get back. Old man winter gets mean and rough and may block me into Moscow. I will get back, because I need to…

I sipped my coffee, I look out the window and summer went by and with a wave of her hand. She blew a kiss to all and went south with the birds…

Have a nice day, for I sure will…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

First summer post of 2015…