
RussianBearI will be honest with you!

We have a lot to be thankful for and we better wake up. In the last few weeks we (western) tried to start World War Three, not once, but several times. Almost all actions against Russia, but a few pokes at China to spice up the pot. Are we stupid?

So this Thanksgiving lets be thankful…

Lets be thankful that Russia has patience, because if we had done to us what has been done to Russia by us, we would be bombing some countries with unrelinquished desires and pillaging.

So I am thankful that we are not bombing the hell out of each other, just because we prodded the Russian Bear for the hundredth time in the last year.

That Russian Bear has the patience of Job…

I am thankful this Thanksgiving and am going to make a pumpkin pie for Sveta. I also have turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce and carrots this holiday…

Yes we have a world to be thankful for, lets hope we keep that world in one piece…

Stop the warmongers!

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…