Russian Village; Frozen World…

At the time that I took these images above it was -22 and getting colder. But, tomorrow it will warm up to -8 and that will make a huge difference. Believe you me, -10 and warmer is a whole other world compared to -10 and colder. At -20, wood becomes brittle and you have to be careful how much you stress it. I am watching fence posts actually curve from the cold. The colder it gets the more certain grains contract and since grain is uneven in most wood, the post contracts different from one side to the other. I have a walking stick that has gone from almost straight to a very noticeable curve. It has lost the complete feel that made it such a good walking stick…

I have changed how I move around and I find that I can double step it and be safer. I now walk faster, but with tiny short steps. I get a pattern going and we cross the lakes with a steady short marching stride, with an added bounce. It really works and it allows me to get in better shape, plus warms me up at the same time. I could not have done this double-time a year ago and I really feel good; except when I have a bad fall like last week…

Coffee the Start Button

Boza amazed me yesterday. I said go for a walk and he looked at me as if I was crazy. Instead of getting up to run to the door, he jumped on the bed and stuck his head under my pillow. Earlier, I was taking him outside and when I opened the door, he stopped, sniffed the air, looked outside and turned and stood by the inner door. He did not want to go. Smart dog…

Therefore, I have to go and walk the poor dog. Actually poor me also, I just want to hibernate, like any good bear should do. But things have to be done…

I have a light to put up outside. I wired it yesterday to check if it works and now I will decide where to put it. We have a side yard that has no light at night and it is the side I park the cart on. We need to be able to see better, when I come in late from the Big Village. I need to move another wheel barrel of wood inside and that will give me three wheel barrels worth within easy reach. The falling incident made me realize that I need a few day supply inside, in case I can’t get around well. I have a market website that needs my attention online and I am still trying to fix a Windows 8 Tablet that was destroyed by Windows 10 update…

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They killed my tablet!

I want to make it clear on record; Sveta and I bought a Prestigio Visconte Quad 3g, it had Windows 8.1 with Bing and worked very good. It was a great tablet and I was very happy with it. Somehow, it got in the mind to update to Windows 10. I never touched anything and did not ask it to, but after it set over night in Moscow (I discovered that on WiFi it will download updates without permission,) the thing had installed Windows 10. The tablet has stopped working properly and no longer has a touch screen. many other things are wrong, but the worst part is…

Neither Windows nor Prestigio will accept blame. Prestigio says (After sending it to them!), “Hardware is fine, software is not our problem!” and……….

Windows says after several e-mails, “There is nothing wrong with the drivers and software and the tablet should be checked for hardware issues, it is not the software! Windows software is proven to be perfect in all aspects for the Prestigio line of tablets…….”

Thus I have a tiny tablet that has no touchscreen, but works great when I attach a keyboard and mouse to work on it. So far it makes a great tiny screened Windows desktop, but I really do not need one of those… 🙁

The bottom line is that I am the stupid one as the end user and should have screwed down the system and not allowed it to install anything period. I messed up and have lost a good tablet, but I am not alone in this. Windows update destroyed my tablet and Prestigio refuses to fix it and the tablet was only a week old in my possession when it happened. Prestigio is the one I blame the most and they refused to care for the customer…

Windows as I have always said, “Just plain sucks!”

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Well the Boza is looking at me and I feel the need to walk. We will walk about twenty minutes and then get warm again. Thus, adios and have a nice day…

Kyle and Boza in the Tiny Russian Village…
Windows to Russia (WtR)