It is Christmas Eve for the Orthodox Church and Boza and I were walking in the fields, Father Pavel came by on the road and stomped through a foot of snow to greet us, just to say, “Hi” and he wanted to make sure that I was doing okay! I told him I feel wonderful and life in the village is perfect. He kinda looked at me like, “Crazy American!” Then he hugged me and told me if I need anything to call. He was cold and had been up at the bell tower ringing the bell and having a service at their tiny church and three other vehicles were stopped behind him to leave also…
Russians have yet to figure out this strange American, I am not the normal American they have seen or know about and someone like him (Father Pavel) has dealt with youth from America and Britain and they definitely are not like me. I am coming to understand that how I grew up and how I think and how I was raised is becoming a lost way in the states of America. I guess that is how you convert society, allow the collapse of standing on your own two feet. I was raised to get up no matter how many times I am knocked down and then get up one more time on top of that. Forget someone helping you, get the hell up and keep going…
I was raised to contemplate bad things before I leap; like a broken bone, think about it, how bad is it, is it a break or fracture, is it worth freaking out over should I adjust and adapt to what has happened. Now a compound break is bad news and lets hope you do not have to deal with that. Then you might want to panic peacefully to get it out of your system and then figure out what to do about it. Panic never helps and I have had several compound fractures and or breaks in my life. I have a huge knot below my left knee from a bad break many years ago. I was deep in a jungle and a ratter tunnel collapsed and snapped my leg. It had healed way to much to worry about after we finally crawled out two weeks later, to have it reset properly. I was lucky that a friend knew what to do to pull it and set it close enough. Damn that hurt. Those kind of things remind you of the fun past…
Thus no matter what happens in life, stop and think about what just happened to you. Just like the other day when I fell on the lake bed. I was hurt and hurt bad, but I laid there for a long time trying to understand what shape I was in. I did not wish for help, I wished to do the right thing instead of making it worse.I knew that if I was hurt really bad, I could make it much worse by over reacting. I figured out what to do and how to deal with it…
I also know that you have to react at times to keep from being killed or hurt (once again panic does not help) and you also must be able to think on your feet. That takes instinct and learning. We have to be able to see, sense, feel and hear what needs to be done and allow ourselves to take care of us. People do not have the ability anymore to adapt quickly and or think properly about what is needed for the given situation. At one time, man in America was weeded out if weak. You died early or never was born in the first place. But that has changed and the weak have taken over…
Is that good or bad?
Side thought: People attribute meek to weak; For God says “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” and I seriously do not consider the meek weak. Try being meek for a week…
I consider meek a strength that has its place in a proper world…
I see a whole world of people from my country, who simple spend life waiting until someone tells them what to do, gives them food and or a cell phone and computer. I see people in America that have more money than I have and they have never worked a day in their life. Unless you call fill out paper work for government assistance work. I suspect if we really had a Zombie Attack, 90% of the people would simply die from inaction, waiting for the governmental services to tell them what to do. Sorry, but there would be no government… 😉 That is not meek, but weak…
Russians are not this way. The Russians are in my eyes meek; meekness meaning restraining one’s own power, so as to allow room for others to flourish and or righteous, humble, teachable, and patient under suffering, long suffering; Russians do not understand a life with a governmental nipple feeding them and or tell them what to do. The government may try at times, but the people simply ignore what is told to them. They do not fear the government, they support the government to a fault, but they do what they want in the end. For a government is a basic necessity and your life is up to you. A Russian gets up from the ground when knocked down and will do what it takes to survive. They will feed someone in need and not worry if they ever get paid back, for one day, someone will feed them and they will be paid back…
Darn that is why I love Russia. The independence and freedom is so plentiful…
* * * * * * * * * *
- Wow so beautiful when the sun shines
- No melting from inside heat
- Getting water
- Bucket of ice water
- Frozen well
- Frozen feet
- Ice Fishing
- Ice Fishing
- Far away
- Boza waiting for me
Time to go! I have rattled enough and Boza and I have things to do. I must bring in firewood and I want to work on dual booting Linux and Windows. Besides Boza and I walked two plus hours, so maybe we need a nap! 🙂
Kyle and Boza in the Tiny Russian Village…
Windows to Russia