What is it with Americans – Seriously

The USA is the greatest show on Earth

Looking at news from America is like looking at Three Ring Circus, with a Mac Truck driving across all the rings as the clowns and animals do their acts. Nothing makes sense and nothing holds to a certain moral structure or standards…

We have a Clinton running for democratic president, that everyone knows she is the worse thing since rotten eggs and half the people ignore the demon and still dance the streets for her. What is wrong with us? Hilary would pull your heart out and let you watch it beat its last as you died. Can you not see that?

We have a man who is a multi-bankrupt billionaire and while he can talk a good spiel, is he good for the country? Trump is actually the best person running, democrat or republican and yet he is still the best of a pile of stinking trash that has rotted for years in the equator zone. Trump is one of the elite and are you not able to see that?

This is some serious stink people and we seriously need to clear or sinuses to smell what is cooking in our country. Trump could be president of the U.S. and the fact that he is better than all the others is not saying much for who we have running. But hey, you have a Psycho Hillary Neocon or a Horn Tooter Rooter Trump, who can make money, even if he goes bankrupt to do it…

Now when Ted Cruz (Definitely Canadian born! So what the Duh?) is the next best thing to Trump, then we know we have some issues in the cupboard and we really do not want to open that cupboard to fast for all the crap will tumble out. The rest running for republican president nominee are a waste land of wasted humans…

Then we have basically only Bernie challenging the demon Clinton and his strength is so pathetic, that he is not able to run all over a woman who has more skeletons hiding than a cemetery and seriously he should just let Clinton have it all? (Or is that what it is all about anyway?) Seriously, do we want to just give away any chance of electing someone to president? Or do we just want to allow our government to pick and chose who we have for president. They do it anyway, so why care?

When a man like Trump and a woman like Hillary are the top runners for president, then you can see how someone like Obama was able to be elected twice even. It is called, “Crap in and Crap out!”

Really just look at everyone who is running for president on either parties side. Seriously look and have an open mind. Would you be friends with any of them? Would you want them to touch your kid? Would you eat dinner with them? Would you bet your life on them? Seriously people, are these clowns worthy of being president of a wonderful country such as America?

No they are not, not a single one of them…

Not a single person running is there for the country. They all have personal agendas and or personal goals and they are not capable of putting anyone but themselves ahead of anything they do. I see Trump being spouted about as for the country! Seriously people, Trump is for himself. Others say that Hillary is a woman and we need a woman for president, seriously again, that is a criteria? Not hardly, kinda like he is black, he needs to be president…

Why all the ones running and know that they can not make it, are simply there to make a name for themselves. I know that if even if someone comes along who is good and has their heart in the right place, as with Ron Paul, they would crush him and laugh all the way to the bank. We had our last chance with Ron Paul and we turned on him and allowed him to be buried, even as we laughed with the establishment as they did it to him…

Being president takes commitment and desire. The commitment to do the job for the country and do the job free if need be. Commitment is never a paid position in life. Commitment comes from the heart and soul…

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What is it with the “Dog and Pony Show” that us Americans have to have just to open our eyes?

Have you ever had someone you dislike, yell your name out from across the street? That person who seems to follow you and want your friendship, but they also have no commonsense about then at all. We all know that person and they usually cause havoc whenever they come around. They are the ones who look at themselves in the car windows as you walk down the street and they only want you around because they are sure that they are more beautiful than you and you make them look good…

Well, I hate to tell you this, but America is one of those kind of people. We stand across the street and yell out names, point fingers and in general stir up crap all over the world. We do anything to draw attention to us when it is good and draw attention away from us, when it is bad…

Right now the world is watching the Circus we call presidential elections and really we should be worried that our so called friends are trying to run away. For we have embarrassed them too many times and now as we threaten even our friends, by calling them out on the carpet for no reason… (80 Swiss banksSeriously)

Soon we will find our circus has no customers…