Vova made Pancakes or Blini as Russians call them…


Half of what Vova brought…

Vova made pancakes today…

It is pancake week you know?

Well if you do not, read the link above…

Vova brought a huge platter of pancakes down and him and I gorged ourselves upon the tasty treats. These were what I call real pancakes and not the thin blini that are common in Russia. I knew guys knew how to make pancakes, it is just a natural thing to make huge, big, fat, delicious and mouth watering pancakes…

Oh and yes Boza got a pancake for himself. That was one happy doggy…

Another link for pancakes in Russia…

Maslenitsa, I Miss Real pancakes! (Blini)

Guess what? I got real pancakes today… 😉

* * * * * * * * * *

The sun came out for exactly 10 min…. I could see something other than drear and drabness and I found something growing in the back yard…

IMG1756AIt was so beautiful and alive, a plant that is alive and green…

Vova said that he will be down as soon as the ground is thawed and he will bring his rototiller to till up the garden. This year, we will have a big garden and after digging out under the house this summer, we will have lots of good safe storage space for roots. A root cellar is what I have in mind…

I just added this small post to complete the day and while I have gotten very little done, because of the wetness, it has been a good day nonetheless…

Tomorrow is suppose to be sunny all day and I will take pictures if it is. The world is still full of snow, but it is slowly coming to life around here. I can not wait for spring to get going…

Have a nice day…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.