Something about a garden…

Everything is growing…

CaptureSomething rewarding about growing a garden. Today I was looking at most likely weeding the garden. I wait to weed until things planted are secure and up, then I weed. I do not want to destroy any chance of missing the new growth and destroying it…

We have sweet peas, carrots, beets, spinach, turnips, rutabagas, garlic, onions and potatoes. The potatoes will be interesting, for they are called Blue Eyed Potatoes. We have great expectations for them and they are new to me. I am not sure if these potatoes are blue in color, but the sprouts are blue at the first appearance. Blue potatoes are common in Asia and Africa and such and we will see. We also have three types of carrots, two types of beets and the garlic is from the local store. The garlic is growing like crazy…

The peas will have to be strung up and I need to get heavy string/cord from the store. I have to build a fence/trellis of cord for them to grab hold of and it looks like today I will go to the Big Village to get the string. I also need to get more dog food for Boza. He is eating like crazy and I have only three cases of food left in stock (maybe walking six times a day does that.) I also need to stock some food items, that I hope they got back in. I bought the stores out of beef stew and some other items. I prefer to just open a can and eat from the can, when I am able… (I just wish that Russians had canned green beans! They do not and it makes me miss them…)

This morning though it struck me that growing a garden is magical…

There is something about seeing everything you plant come to life. It is hard for us humans to realize that that tiny seed grows into a huge plant, a plant full of delicious food to eat. But when they sprout, they become children and need care, just like children do. You have to weed them, feed them, water them and support them many times. Just like a child. Except these children, if cared for, will return the favor a hundred fold, as they supply delicious food to eat…

Even the carrots which are hard to get started many times, have responded with popping out of the ground at record speed and are happy to respond to such care as above. I get so excited and call Svetochka every time a new row of plants started to show. Poor Svetochka, she got lots of phone calls over the last few days…

But she helped and I know she is excited as I am about the new babies growing. She is saying yummy, yummy and yummy some more, as she thinks about all the salads we will have and root veggies to store for the winter. She is going to enjoy the young peas and they will be; Oh So Sweet!

I myself am looking forward to the fresh spinach. I just love spinach in a salad and we have so many turnip greens, beet greens, rutabaga greens and carrot tops to eat, that I will have a salad for several months, soon…

Something about a garden! It just makes you feel good and makes the hard work worth it…