Hmm…. I have talked about this before and thank goodness…


You can not imagine some of the shock I felt in the past as Russians stared starry eyed and asked, “Is America really paved in Gold?” I have seen a transformation and to the best for Russians about the fallacy that is America…

To be honest, I think that it is less than 1% and I know that Russians have been woke up to the facts about a cruel and sick USA!

I simply say, “Thank Goodness and even if I suffer from that awakening, it is worth it.”

It is still a anti-Russian article and we try to say that the rest of the world just simply loves America; But I know better and the world is watching the way America is destroying herself and trying to take us with her…

No hate on my part, just facts from my own eyes, on the ground, in other parts of the world…

Simply, simple facts…