By the hundreds; The Monastery…


Yesterday, hundreds of people came up the hill or mountain as most call it and if you walk it, you think it is a mountain by the time you are done getting to the top. There was a holiday for the monastery. They spent time at the newly found cemetery and it rained cats and dogs, all day…

The image is one of five waves of people walking to the top (the line goes all the way past where you can see.) They have to walk and buses drop them off across the river and they walk from there. No matter how bad the weather, they walk. It seems to be important to make the journey walking, except one thing is missing. The Monk does not walk most of these times. He drives up in a car! Then waits at the top for them. That, I find interesting… (I guess rank has its privileges???)

It rained and rained and rained! I have a new bench at the main gate and babushkas all welcomed being able to sit a few minutes, rain or not. The hill is steep and wears on the old body…

The monk or Father Pavel, rang the bell for over an hour, calling his flock to the top. I mean it rang and rang and rang…

Just another few interesting tidbits about our village…