- The whole garden
- Peas, garlic and tomatoes
- Potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, onions and rutabagas
- Boza staring the gate down…
Mowed the yard yesterday and started to thin the garden. I had a huge wonderful salad. It had spinach, turnip greens, rutabaga greens, carrot greens, onion greens, garlic greens and beet greens. Then I used garlic salad dressing and ate the best salad I have had in a longtime…
So I took some pictures of the garden and of course we have one of Boza waiting at the gate to go for a walk. When he stands there like that patiently, it is a good sign to take him out. He does not like to do his doggy stuff in our yard and we must walk to let him do such things. He really is a good dog. I take him for shorter walks now that he was sick, but we walk six or seven times a day instead. It works for me and him and we enjoy the walks…
Have a nice day…