Russia’s North Caucasus Believed The Country’s Most Troubled Area…

Number of terrorist incidents for 2009 (Januar...
Terrorist Activity 2009

A group of rejects forced their way into a Russian power station on early Wednesday morning. They murdered two security guards, beat up two turbine room mechanics and planted explosive devices

This is all to common in the world and these kind of actions by idiots does nothing to change the world.  Except to maybe scare the innocent people…

What does something like this prove? What does these actions mean to the the demented mind? Why do we have to have sick people living among us, that only care to kill us?

Everyday I hear about bombings in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and even the latest a car bomb near the American border with Mexico…

It seems to me that the world governments have created conditions that perpetrate the desires of warped individuals to preform these acts of death

Other words we have made our bed and we are being forced to lie in it…

It seems to me that we have begun to reach a boiling point in this world and now we are so numb to the constant death that we do not hear the facts of thousands dying everyday all over the world…

You do know what happens when something boils?

Windows to Russia!