Russian Eurasian Coot…

I was fooled! I have been wondering why we had ducks that seemed to be not able to quack. They made a weird noise and then other strange noises. Well it seems after looking closely, they are Coots, not ducks….There goes my, “What a stupid duck!” theory…

imagesI saw their feet and said that is not a duck!

Then Sveta and I looked up what the heck it was. This is a Coot…

They have clown feet in my opinion and they make strange noises. I love them and we have a whole pond full. The smaller pond below is Coot city and the bigger pond is duck city…

Therefore, instead of saying, “What a Hoot!” I now say, “What a Coot!”

Then I recorded its strange sound, as it swims around. The sound gets much louder and urgent, if it sees me and Boza…

So while I was trying to take pictures of this strange duck! It was not a duck, but a coot. An Eurasian Coot…

Life is so wonderful…