TRV – Just a photo day! 7/22/2016

Duh! As you have gathered, I love to try (the word is try) to take images of birds, especially the big birds. I have thousands and thousands of images of eagle, but the perfect shot eludes me. I try though…

Had to make a trip to the Big Village, Vova it seems promised a woman friend of his that he would take her to the Big Village to get some paperwork done on her village home. It seems that when he promised her, I was included in that promise and thus, I ended up driving her and him to the Big Village. Five hours later, we got home to the (TRV) Tiny Russian Village!

Don’t-ya just love when you get volunteered? 🙁

Oh and our strawberry patch is really doing good. I lost count after over a hundred new strawberries growing right now and who cares? I ate ten delicious fat juicy strawberries yesterday and that means I get to eat many more. Yummy…

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Ever had the weather beat you into the ground?

Well it is stomping my butt and it is winning!

Going back to bed in a little while, even though I have ten million things to do. Boza is already asleep again and chasing lion, tigers and bears in his sleep!