To Summarize the state the USA is in

Coffee-iconTo Summarize the state the USA is in – we live in a society whose primary goal is greed. We spend trillions of dollars on endless wars (war alone in Afghanistan has cost US taxpayers circa $1 trillion) and trillions more on bank bailouts, tax cuts for the wealthy and Corporate welfare – $4 trillion on the Fed’s QE program for stock buybacks by TBTF corporations…

We have Wall St. lawyers. Stock brokers, hedge fund managers, lobbyists (all doing socially and morally worthless jobs) earning millions each yearly. Our elected officials sell their votes to the highest bidder. Our society is incapable of providing affordable health care, education, building a nation wide, energy efficient high speed rail transportation system…

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So who are the villainous ones?

Those who have the finger constantly pointed at them by the police, media, politicians and such?

You, me, I, we, him and her?

No it is not us; The People fighting for a livable wage! The people who just want peace and quiet!

It is – the pervasive socially rotten politicians, corporation and cronies, they amount to just a few people in comparison to the rest? We allow the few to run the masses over….To be a politician takes a certain mindset and very few of them are able to stay honest, once elected. Once again greed…

Therefore, it is simple; greed is destroying our society…

And we sit in front of the TV and watch it all happen. Because, if we speak out and stand alone, they will have you put down! Put down by paid lackeys that we call police and military…

If you do not think that the American police and military will shoot to kill Americans? Then you are very wrong. All over the world, armies and police kill their own people everyday. In America it has become common for police to shoot first and ask questions later. This happens most of the time, because the powers to be, demand the silence of us peasants…

I have been in the military and I know that most of the men I played, worked, died and fought with, would shoot one of our own and you too!

Fear is used to drive the greediest desires for the few in charge and a paycheck allows one peasant to feel better about shooting another peasant!

Kyle Keeton