10 o’clock a.m. at the Big Russian Village and the Volga gets new engine…

imagesI need to be at the Big Village at around 10 o’clock. Then I leave Sammy the Volga for the week, until she is done. I am going to take a picture of the engine she has right now and then I will take an image after she is done. There is going to be a huge difference in what she has for a power plant. She is going to get a much more modern fuel injected engine and this should give her another 10 years or so in life. Gone is the propane fuel system and gone will be the carburetor system. We will gain about 60 more horsepower in new to new, but in our case, running on only two and a half cylinders, we will gain at least 100+ horsepower in the real world. The propane, while very money saving in the years gone by, has destroyed the engine in the long run. This is the case many times with old engines and alternate fuel sources. Sammy’s old engine also was destroyed by fuel or lack of it, in the form of benzine. Sammy was designed to run on 70 octane leaded fuel and all that is available for years now is 92 octane unleaded. The 80 octane that we ran for years (and has been phased out now,) was terrible and unleaded, it has all taken its toll on Sammy’s engine…

But she ran and ran! We have put ten’s of thousands of kilometers on her (with buying her at 100,000 plus kilometers originally) and she rarely complained…

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Therefore, I will also go to the store and get food, for Svetochka is coming Wednesday and she wants to eat! I will meet her at the walk bridge and we will walk home. The same today, the guys working on the car, will drop me off at the other side of the river and I will walk the two kilometers home. This is the normal way for the Tiny Russian Villagers to get around. We also have a bus stop another few kilometers away and can use a bus to get around. Buses run constantly in Russia and that is a big help in getting around…

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Woke this morning with blood sugar at 5.2 mmol/l. That is good! Had to eat finally, could feel the hypo coming on. My body still struggles to keep sugar inline, looks like a rest of my life issue? Exercise and eating properly is 80% of the battle….

About a week and Boza and I go back to our home in Moscow and then we start the mad rush to get everything done. Boza has doctors to see, I have doctors to see and I have to get ready for a hard winter. This week we will harvest the crops and we are going to have some huge carrots and beets. I am still getting tomatoes and strawberries and we will have hundreds of pounds of potatoes…

All in all the garden was very successful and will supply food for the whole winter easily. That is the name of the game!

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In Arizona, USA – you might want to look over your shoulder as you change your kids diaper. You may have issues with childcare?


The problematic part of the statutes is in the definitions section (13-1401).

‘3. “Sexual contact” means any direct or indirect touching, fondling or manipulating of any part of the genitals, anus or female breast by any part of the body or by any object or causing a person to engage in such contact.’

I see a future of crap with this stupid Arizona law and deranged spouses will use it to try to destroy their ex-spouse… Don’t wipe that kids butt or genitals when they crap their pants…But then they will get you for child neglect if you don’t clean the kid…


The wording is shear bunk and interpretation has been left wide open, for all to see what they want to see…

We swing like pendulums and never seem to be able to keep an even keel…

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Just had to mention the stupidity above at Arizona…Such things are a State of the Union issue, cancer spreads fast if not controlled in any form. Just look at California; many of the things that have messed up life for the rest of the country start in California and California is a mess!

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Warmed up this morning, +8 degrees and really not bad out. Seems I am getting use to the cold already. Boza and I walked already and we chased some mice around the house. This is the time of the year that they come in from outside as fast as you can get rid of them. I just heard one in the ceiling area! Give me that shotgun Mable!

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Elections in Russia and the Russian news sites are swarmed with TROLLS! I mean they are out in droves, attacking Russians as the Russians try to just talk about their life. It is really sick and there is three main bases for trolls to come from – Australia, Britain and the USA. Never seen the likes of a bunch of idiots from these countries spouting off about Russia, Putin and democracy. You can just see that they are paid and are very transparent. Surprisingly, many say they are paid and are proud of it…

It would be funny, except they invade all sites, if given half a chance. I know, I dealt with it for years, until, I figured out how to deal with it. Does’t happen anymore and my site server thanks our hosting company… (https://www.1984hosting.com/) It is the best there is…

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Oh my! It is 4:30 a.m. and Boza wants to walk again. I have things to do and get ready for dropping the Volga off at town. Have a nice day…