I listen carefully to what Russians talk about; Coffee Thoughts…

Yesterday, I sat with about five people, all Russians and all villagers…

imagesThey are very upset at the state that America has become. So many Russians have in the past adored the USA. It has ideas and democracy sounds so wonderful too so many in the world. But!

What is happening now is Americas own fault. Russians listen to news from all over the world, not just, as is supposed by the west, just Russian news outlets. Someone like my buddy Vova has satellite TV and he can see news from all over the world. Several others have the same and being a Russian, they only believe half of what is said by their governmental services. Russians are smart and know crap when they see it. They also know crap when it is excreted from mainstream media out of the west. There are still wannabe believers. But they see the light at the end of the tunnel…

Obama has definitely become a very hated individual, for his lies and games have permeated the world and have destroyed all goodwill that was left in the world, toward America. Russians know that it is not the people in America like them that are doing this destruction, but they also know that sometimes you have to rise up above the leaders and dance upon their heads. The point has to be made and when enough is enough, change things. Russians do have a history of being patient for long times, but when the need arises, they will come out in the streets. Not the paid lackeys, but the regular people. They will stand and fight for what is right…

When they are happy with their leader, they support that leader and do not question why things are done the way they are. Russians are very trusting and very happy with long term leaders. The issue is, “Do not break that trust!”

No one, but no one running for president of the US, is considered worth a hill of beans and Obama and his administration have become akin to the the devil himself. This is what comes from illegal sanctions and the repercussions of such sanctions will mar the future deals for many years. The US has lost the worlds trust and we can not count the paid lackeys such as Britain and Israel. These bought puppet scared countries, have to do what is said, or suffer and loose what goodies they have. Rule by bully is a bad way to run the show…

Then as I was sitting there and listening (?) to what was said. They all turned to me and I realized that they had asked me something. I was in thought and did not catch it…

I was asked what will I do? I was confused and then after a few more words of where will I go and what happens to me, if war breaks out? AND they do expect and understand that America is pushing for war! They understand that America and the west is in deep issues and war is basically the only way to clean the slate…

Russians know war. War has been on their doorsteps too many times in their history and they know what they see happening is real. Not a made up game of thrones to have a good time with. These people wanted to know if I would go back to America if forced or would I stay with them? Vova said something like, “Boza sleeps on couch and you have a bed in my room, if needed. Kommuna (Tiny Russian Village) is small and safe!”

I sat and thought about what was said…

They switched subject as if they understood I was thinking. They talked about who was thinking of staying in the village all winter this year. Several people are working on their places and we may just have five or six people this winter staying. Then a guy named Nikolai asked me, “What is wrong with Americans!”

That is a good question and surprised me. I have said many times that Russians are intellects and they want to know about why things happen…

I said one word, “ленивый” or in our letters – lenivyy…. (idle, indolent, slothful, work-shy, shiftless, inactive, underactive, sluggish, lethargic; remiss, negligent, slack, lax, lackadaisical)

Hate me all you want, but most Americans I know fit the above. Some don’t, but many more do than not. And it seems that the only thing that gets them off their ass, is to have those words above threatened…

The above word, “ленивый” is what becomes of a society that has too much handed to them. Too much food, too much free, too much money, to much anything. When you buy off the people through entitlements, that you really do not have a right to have. You have been paid to be what they want you to be…

Much of the world is bought and paid for through glorified entitlements, it keeps the masses happy. The kings can party in splendor and caviar, while the peasants party with beer and hotdogs. All are happy until the hotdogs and beer disappear…

Enough of that sidetracking…

Russians understand this word (“ленивый”) well!

It is very looked down upon! The Russians still feel that you must walk in your own shoes and make your own way. The difference in west to east is that family and friends are expected to help make your way. Not governmental services and not state services. But simply, you do what you have to do to make it in the world and when you do? You are a better person for it!

If that means leave the country? Then leave! If that means pull up old railroad steel ties, then sell them! Then do it. If that means to steal a bridge to use somewhere else? Then do it. But do what it takes, for survival is the number one issue and Russians are survivors…

Everything is fair game in Russia and it is the true wild west at times. Just a wild west with intellects. They will punish their own, when needed and ignore everything if needed. They will stand up and fight when needed, but they will give you every chance to alter your path of destruction…

This my friend is what America sees as weakness in Russia. The Russians keep trying to work with America on the world stage and America, who is slapping Russia on purpose, sees only that Russian is weak. The opposite is a fact and we have woke the Russian Bear and she has cubs and will do what it takes to protect them…

My single word gave them a pause in thought. I could see the gears turning and the thinking’s about who they know the same way. Russia has its share of stupid also. In fact Russian actions within their world, can seem pretty stupid to outsiders. At least until you live with them and see their existence firsthand…

Then you realize that Russians live life and many stand on their own feet and are proud of that fact. With that life come stupidity. I call it thinning the weeds!

* * * * * * * * * *

I had to smile watching this video! Let the girl dance and who cares what anyone thinks…

Ignore the few huge cities and realize that Russia still has her roots, This is so Russian that I am amazed…. This what the Russians kids that live around these villages where I am, look like. They are good looking kids and very smart. They are not rich by any means, but yet they are! They live life in freedom…

The boy has several videos on his channel and he is not bad playing. I am guessing the little girl is his sister and I thought about how many times I have watched Russians play their music. They play with spoons, instruments and even just their hands, as they slap at the wall. It is all soul release and it is good for you…

Made me genuinely smile and so does the fact that the villagers want me in their life…