- Rebuilt stove and heater
- Boza while I work on our sites
- Mushroom
The stove is probably the most important item for winter in the village home. That is assuming that your roof is sound, your walls still standing and no one has made huge holes through the house like Swiss Cheese. The stove is what heats your home, cooks your food and boils your water for coffee and tea. The wood stove keeps Old Man Winter outside and you warm inside…
Yes it is old and yes it is not fancy. But it works and Boza and I stayed comfortable last winter, with +30 kilometer winds and -33 below zero. It got frosty… It is not the cold, it is the wind that is the killer…
I work on our websites and write Windows to Russia, as Boza lays next to me on the couch. He likes his warm spot and he can lay his head on my lap if he wants to be scratched behind the ears. Boza my buddy…
I just love these mushrooms popping up all over the place…
Boza and I live a very simple life…
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Svetochka made it here safe and sound. She is sleeping away this morning and is happy as a bug in a rug. I built a fire for her last night and it got a little warm for me, but she was happy…
We are hoping that today we get a sign from the automotive gods, that our car is ready. It is hard to be patient and so far away from our car. It is not like I can walk down the street to the local shop and say, “HI! Need any help?” The help word makes mechanics cringe and shudder. They also may get the job done faster, if they think you may come everyday, every hour, Uh; every minute, maybe even live in the shop with them and say, “HI! Need any help?” Heaven forbid trying to help… (Then again they may hurt your ass also!)
All the while you have no idea what you would even do if they said, “Yes, go grab that crescent wrench and turn on the huge propane tank valve at the dumpster area and smoke a cigarette. Please!”
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Have a nice day…