Svetochka takes pictures constantly. This is a few she left on the desktop of the computer. So I posted them…
- One last rose trying to bloom
- Boza ball time, me mushroom picking
- More mushrooms
- Pretty but deadly
- So pretty, don’t eat…
- Found a whole mushroom family…
Boza (who has lots of pictures of him) and I seem to be in front of her camera all the time. 🙂
We were mushroom hunting and we found a whole bag full of delicious mushrooms. We found the mushrooms prized by all the Tiny Russian Villagers and these mushrooms were in our yard and the small field next to our home. If you look closely at the image with Boza, his ball and me picking them. You can see the mushrooms right in front of Boza. Small brown domes and this year, after about five years, we had another crop of them under our birch trees. Then we went to a small cluster of birches near our yard and finished loading up the bag with yummy mushrooms. These mushrooms in the field had evaded the eagle eyed villagers. For one thing Tiny Russian Village people do is constantly mushroom…
I think that mushrooms rank up there in healing powers, along with honey, garlic, basil and even cabbage leaves for throat issues. Mushrooming is serious business and a Muscovite will drive all day to get to there famous mushroom spot, that only they know about…
We have such a spot in out yard and every few years it will produce a bunch of mushrooms and now I found another spot that no one has discovered. So keep it a secrete, will you? We like our mushrooms also, as well and or too… 😉
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Got and e-mail…
Well my extreme distaste of your nation harbors ever so slight pity on the ones who understand what your country has become. I only hope you and the likes of you can change this course your country has taken, but I don’t see it happening. The USA (you) will be the cause of more wars and greater wars till your country disintegrates from within, or is destroyed through other means. The freedom of the world now depends on the destruction of the USA, removal of its stranglehold on the world financial system, military occupations, terrorist funding and and destructive global influence.
I answered:
Not all of us, is correct. But for you to harbor any pity is too lose the edge over what we do as a nation against the world. There are still some people who think freely in this country and or other western countries. There are still some of us left here and or there, we are just treated like crazy people when we voice our opinions. We are attacked by both the fearful peasants and the driving force of the governmental agencies. Both sides feel they have much too lose and everything to gain by keeping the status quo…
That is the new normal in America and even the west, to treat the remaining free thinkers as crazy lunatics…
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That is how I feel and yes I am crazy in most eyes…
That kind of crazy that never stops a job he has started and when I believe in what is correct? I will fight to the death, good or bad and I have been alive a long time doing just that. So there must be something in the method of my madness!
There are times we must stand up and fight! If you always turn your head and look at the pretty propaganda, they will play behind your back, as you are distracted. Gathering gumption and clenching your fists is sometimes the only way to drive yourself to do what is needed…
I care about America; I know that we have always been a corrupt nation, but when they did not impress upon us little people and allowed us to live in freedom of simple actions and curtailed in many governmental pressures. It was all tolerable….Cops were the friends, you could eat and drink what you want, carrying a beer open on the street was not a crime to humanity, smoking was okay (bad for you but okay!), children could be children, a fag was a cigarette butt, Gay was still a woman’s name and a word of joy and so on and so on…
Look we did not fool ourselves; we knew our government was a piece of crap…
But it, the government, stayed out of most of our affairs… “Not anymore!” , said the little chickadee…
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The truth is; We are all crazy!
You are crazy if you do not want to change things for the better, you are crazy if you hide behind locked doors, you are crazy if you accept governmental nanny state as necessary, you are crazy if you hate big government, you are crazy to want raw milk, you are crazy to want to collect rain water, you are crazy to question orders of the police, you are crazy to be gay, crazy if you are not gay, crazy if you are a communist, crazy if you are a Zionists, crazy if you want to abort children, crazy if you want to have children, crazy if you believe in God, crazy if you wear furs, crazy if you have tattoos, crazy if you don’t pay taxes, crazy if you pay taxes, crazy if you listen to Fox News, crazy if you don’t believe all that New York Times says, Crazy to want to walk and not get mugged, crazy to walk at night, crazy to tell the truth, crazy to lie, crazy to let your kid ride a bike without protection, crazy if you do even let them ride a bike, crazy to spend your life raising a family, crazy if you try to work a job and raise a family, crazy if your kid is left home alone, crazy if you do not want to pay out half your paycheck in childcare, crazy to be fat, crazy to be skinny, crazy to think for yourself, crazy if you even think at all, crazy if you dream, crazy if you stagnate, crazy if you loan money, crazy if you save money, crazy not to buy a new home, crazy not to buy a new car, crazy if you did buy a new car and can not afford it, crazy that you can not keep up with the “Jones’s,” and lets end with, you are crazy to think others are crazy, for they think you are crazy for thinking they are crazy and everyone thinks everyone is crazy, for not doing exactly like they want you to do and as a bonus ending – to top it all off; Big Brother our government is crazy, but we are scared to death of that “CRAZY”!
And that my friend is the worst crazy of all!