Syria and a Cup of Coffee…

make-coffee-not-warSyria is a pretty simple situation to understand…

Basically you have to forget what is happening now and go to the beginning…

No way before that! Way before Libya was destroyed. No way before even that you are thinking of before that and even before that. Getting closer, but think farther back yet and you will get close enough. Other words, this is nothing new and nothing by accident…

I know, I have been in the middle of these wonderful destroy and control the world conversations, over drinks and fine dinning and seriously, there are people all over the world behind what is happening right now. I choose to stay out of it all and made my decision many years ago to stop killing innocents…

What I do not understand is why, after we now have bonafide facts, solid information and decisive data, do we sit on our asses and look the other way?

indexHow simple is Syria?

My grandma said, “When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you.”

We keep pointing at Russia, Syria, China, Iran, North Korea and many more; but we ignore the three fingers always pointing back at ourselves…