So it’s not that other countries steal jobs from you guys, it is your strategy!

Chinese billionaire and Alibaba founder Jack Ma: Had a few profound statements to say about the US and the woe’s of life, as the whining from the Western Empire reached a peak at DAVOS…

“So it’s not that other countries steal jobs from you guys (USA,) it is your strategy! You do not distribute the money in a proper way,” – said Jack Ma

Then he went on…

“Over the past thirty years, the Americans had thirteen wars spending 40.2 trillion dollars,” Said Ma, while speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos…

“What if they (USA) spent a part of that money on building up the infrastructure, helping the white-collar and the blue-collar workers? No matter how strategically good it is, you’re supposed to spend money on your own people.”

That puts it in black and white…

Jack Ma gets it and he said it…. Good job…