- -27 C. and fire going…
- Cooking taters and cutlets…
Just a normal day in the Tiny Russian Village…
I gathered firewood and got it stored in the village home. It will be super cold for about three days and I can hope that they are wrong. I hope by tomorrow the cold eases. But always be ready, is what the Tiny Russian Village demands…
I am cooking cutlets and sliced potatoes. A little salt, pepper and garlic powder makes for a perfect meal. I will transfer the skillet over to the wood stove after a bit and allow it to slow cook for several hours. Then come lunch time; Yummy…
Up at 3 a.m. and have already walked Boza twice. Kinda cold and kinda wicked out. It is nice seeing the sun, but with clear skies comes deadly cold. The clouds keep the world warmer here in our part of Russia and they call for clear skies for three days. It is 10 a.m. right now and the birdbrains outside have eaten and are shivering in the cherry and apple trees. I feel sorry for them, but I try to keep a food level going, for right now the little guys are not able to get to the ground to find food. I will make a trip this next Saturday to buy more millet to feed them. We have finally exceeded the height of the tallest grass with seed. I like my birdbrains and they are good company outside…
I just did Boza’s eyes and with that he sleeps for several hours. It seems to help and he still can see a few feet in front of him sometimes during the day. I look at any sight as a good thing. The sight we are saving, helps him get around in the village home. I keep everything in the same place inside and he can get around pretty good. When I forget though, he always runs into that chair or whatever that I left in the wrong place. But when he can see a little, I notice that he is able to stop in time and go around it. Outside is the same and he can see my light I carry. I use to shine it away from him, not to hurt his eyes, but I realized that he sees it very dim and thus straight at him is the best. It allows him to home in on me as we walk. My voice and the flashlight is vital for a nighttime walk. Daytime, if sunny, is hard on him. The sun blinds him completely. So a cloudy day, means he can see a little…
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I have been working on my computer and compiling a new Linux distro for myself. Linux is a thing of beauty and this time my learning curve is much higher than in the past. I have given up on Windows, for it has become just too much of a burden to try to keep from phoning home to Microsoft and our governmental services that utilize those phone homes. It is better that you think I am crazy and nuts, keep it that way. It is better for you to live in that fantasy world. For if you think for yourself? You might not like what is happening around you…
I am using Bodhi Linux as a core and have gathered an ISO of a blend of programs. I will burn it to a DVD later today and be able to fall back upon it when trouble happens. I kind of like to experiment, thus I have an older laptop that runs XP and I leave it alone. That way I will always be able to get on line when I need to…
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Going to go up to Vova’s today and see what food he needs. I stocked him some yesterday and today I will stock him some more. I am well stocked and was ready to be snowed in, but he relies upon his Niva 4×4 to get out. His Niva has had the starter (Bendix as Russians call it) quit and does not start. Thus he has been grounded and since he has had lots of friends stop by, who have been hunting, he likes to feed everyone, he is out of food. He is a pensioner and has a small amount to live on. So therefore, your donations are feeding Vova also. It is a good thing for the donations and we are able to eat, which is important in cold like this. I am able to walk out and get food, he is not! Oh he could do it, but he has once and he was out of commission for three days. Easier on me and I recover faster…
He does not like to have people see him not able to get by, but I live here and spend a lot of time with him. I know what state he is in. Nina has a daughter who comes out once a month and she brings a sled full of food and such. Vova has basically me. Vova is 4 or 5 years older than I am and respecting elders is what it is about… Well he is older…
Vova has eaten all his rabbits, except the breeding pair and I do not see or hear a chicken or rooster anymore. I stored a huge chunk of salo that he gave me and now will cut a chunk to return to him. If you are gathering, I am the sensible one and think ahead. Vova like many people live a day at a time…
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I also am staying close to the phone today. Svetlana the sweet pea is having surgery and I am nervous about that…
Just a day in the Tiny Russian Village…