It is proof of something alright!

The non cratered runway and the planes that were on the tarmac unharmed? Or maybe the non-detonated warheads that wound up in Syrian villages, even in the gardens? 6 to 8 old Soviet MIGs and a dozen casualties doesn’t really suggest there were 59 hits from 1000 lb warheads? I remember the Libyan images of the same missiles and they took out whole buildings, whole blocks, bodies scattered everywhere. All these missiles had to take out were some McDonald looking arches that housed planes and not a single archway was collapsed. Also, are we grown up adults seriously suggesting in media, the dinner table and in meetings that the USA hasn’t engaged in lying, cheating, bribing and murdering pretty much all the time, well literally since always? Next thing we are going to hear from most people is that ISIS/White Helmet videos of professionals, with no gloves handling kids covered in “sarin” and re-enacting fiction scenes from a movie, by jamming adrenaline syringes into the sternums of little babies is definitive proof of a chemical weapon attack…

Yes it is proof!

It is proof of a false flag attack backed by the Western Empire and literally everyone falls for it, lets it slide and or hides behind the conception of…

Not my problem!

When it does become your problem, who will stand up for you?

For we have a president that now: Trump Gleefully Recalls the ‘Beautiful Chocolate Cake’ He Ate While Bombing Iraq Syria Follow link below…

We have gone Crazy! No seriously, we have gone…