Just a coffee day in Moscow…

Rain and more rain…

Grab a cup of coffee! I did and it is excellent this morning. I found a German brand of coffee on sale and it is really good. I am noticing German products appearing all over the stores. It seems that Germany no longer cares about following sanctions and are trying to garner back some lost sales in Russia. Cheap cheap cheap…

Kinda just a thinking morning.

It looks like in the first week of June Sveta, Boza and I will go to the Tiny Russian Village. Sveta will stay one week, then leave for two weeks and come back for one week. Then we will come home to Moscow again…

Boza’s doctor goes on vacation for about a month and we will use that same period of time to go to the Tiny Russian Village. We have work to get done on Sammy the Volga, plant white lilacs, tend to the single rose plant (if alive still,) tend to our tiny pine tree, rebuild the back wall of the village home, close the village home down for the winter and let us all get fresh air and clean living…

Svetochka wants Boza and I to stay the winter in Moscow and we love our little girl and will do as she wants. It is better for Boza to stay near his eye doctor and I still have lots of tests to run. I have to get a cat scan as I said in an earlier post and make sure that my brain tumor has not tried to come back. It is all good though…

Want some interesting info?

I can get a CT done at my clinic I use for 7000 rubles. Okay that sounds high in number look of 7000, but convert to dollars. 7000 rubles = $123…. and that varies according to the daily rate exchange…

Seriously people; everyday I get shown how pathetic Americas healthcare system is cost wise. My complete healthcare is under Russian control, I just pay for my services, whereas Sveta gets it free. I am not saying that American healthcare is bad, I am saying that you pay way too much for the services provided and if you would travel the world, you would see how expensive healthcare is in America and you get the same services almost anywhere in the world…

The truth is, “Many times you get better service in a so called third world country! At much less cost…”

Dollar for dollar we are being ripped off in America…

More info!

Oh and yes, the clinic is within easy walking distance to our home. Everything is within walking distance. Quality medical, quality dental and everything imaginable to buy for everyday life just around the corners. It is amazing, a world set up to ignore cars and caters to mass transit and walking as the mode of transportation…

The real example of not nearby is for Boza, veterinarians are few and far between. Russians just have not gathered that their doggies need care also. Thus we have to drive to get Boza taken care of. I am telling you that if you were a veterinarian in America, you could come to Russia and make a fortune. Just like ranchers have done with beef, pork and chicken. The market is wide open for entrepreneurship in Russia and the freedom is how it use to be in America…. many years ago…

More info!

Russians have discovered salad dressings (or sauce as they call it.) The market has exploded with dressings for salads, steaks, chicken and what ever your fancy is. We just bought blue cheese dressing and have been using a mushroom dressing for awhile. But now they have so many flavors that I was jumping up and down for joy…

10 years ago such a thing was impossible for Russians to imagine. You have sour cream and or mayo and that was that. Now the shelves are full of Russian made sauces and they are damn good…

[contentcards url=”http://www.nmgk.ru/en/business/consumer-foods/”]

Mayonnaise no longer is the undisputed queen of sauces in Russia. Sour cream based sauces are taking over slowly but steadily…. Also Russians have developed some wonderful ketchup…

Well Boza had a good walk this morning.

At 6 a.m. Boza and I got up and went walking. We did not have any issues with other doggies and Boza was feeling okay. He did his doggy stuff and we came home to eat and take his medicine. He is sleeping under Svetochka’s side of the bed and those two will sleep for several more hours. Svetochka is a bed bug on the weekends. She is up everyday at 6 a.m. and when a weekend comes she likes to sleep and sleep and sleep. 😉 So does Boza. If mommy sleeps so does he…

Well have a good day and I will watch it rain…