It is coffee time in the Tiny Russian Village… (TRV)

Summer is a matter of perspective. If you have a winter where temperatures reach -30 to -40 several days in a row and the wind blows snow at 40 kilometers per hour during that time frame, you appreciate any form of summer that there is…

This year winter rolled straight into summer and like most years summer will roll straight into winter. It seems that there will be a few weeks of spring and fall, but they are weak and short. This is caused by the way the earth has such radical tilts close to the North Pole. We swing vast distances as seasons change and it leaves nothing between…

Just like at around 3 a.m. it is light outside and even at 10 p.m. we can see outside. The days will get longer yet, just as the days in winter get shorter and shorter, until you have no day at all literally…. The night becomes bright as summer goes along. There is always a north west sky lit up all night… Summer is truly the other extreme of winter here…

Therefore, even as Svetochka runs around with two sweaters, a coat and a stocking cap? It is summer and we are thankful…

I am a bear, so if it gets above +10 then I am warm enough with just a t-shirt and jeans…. Now you know how I survive -40 winters…

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Today it will rain. Svetochka and Boza are snuggled in bed and I have been up for awhile. I just have a hard time sleeping when the sky is lit and by 4 a.m. it is full daylight out. So I get up early. But today is cloudy and the humidity is climbing outside. The weather station which has been functioning the whole time we were gone, is recording faithfully and we have lots of data this time. It shows us that it has been raining and raining and raining. Thus, the reason why our yard was a jungle… 😉

I need to get back out and cut more grass. I am using a scythe, the one the villagers made me, to cut our yard…

Scythe – made for me by the Tiny Russian Village People…

But Oh Boy! My right shoulder was talking to me last night, It said, “You Fool…”

* * * * *

Gotta go, before I say something to irritate everyone about Britain and or America. I be good, Boss!

Maybe tomorrow I be bad, Boss?