- Bell Tower
- Svetochka and Boza: Notice the coat and stocking hat? It is cold…
- Tractor working on our roads…
Oh My!
How we have missed the Tiny Russian Village…
Vova hugged me a half dozen times, the yard is a jungle, the birdbrains are grouchy with me, Boza is already adapted and running around happy as a lark, Svetochka is all smiles, my arthritis is already fading away and life is sweet as honey…
Sammy the Volga has been picked up by Igor from TRV (Tiny Russian Village) and gone to BV (Big Village). Much thanks to a few wonderful donations from China, getting her new dress put on. The Chinese love WtR…. The engine will be finished from the original work and she will be freshly painted soon. We have to have a support welded in a frame section, we are lifting the rear end back to stock level, new rear spring bushings, the doors will be replaced, water pump will be replaced and several other mandatory areas cut out and new welded in. She will be pretty again and she will be matched to her new engine…
A Volga is a wonderful car and now that they are no longer made, Volga’s are becoming collector cars by many. Thank goodness for Cheap parts to replace everything with. We have a model 310221 and it is the best wagon I have owned. I have owned many in my time. I am a station wagon person…
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This is the last image I took before we left…
Now the grass is waist high and mosquitoes are out in force…
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Igor has said he will come out and get us, so that we can see how Sammy is doing and get groceries. We have plenty of food left over from when I stayed all winter and we bought some before we came to TRV. We will not starve any such way, anyway… Vova saved the bridge this year and installed new pilings. I guess he is tired of waiting for the governments of the nearby villages to do their job and we are thankful for what he has done. The other bridge, the one I use in winter to another village, is washed out. That is the norm… We are lucky that our bridge survived and it makes for us to get food much easier, with no car…
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We start a new drop today in Boza’s eye and I hope it goes well. I also have to start a ten day series of special shots for his eyes, they go into the deep muscle tissue. He will not be a happy camper. He can rest a lot in the village and recover. When we get him back to Moscow, he will have to have surgery. Lets hope everything goes as planned…. Boza and I wish to be here three weeks, but….
Gotta run, the yard is scary and today I will spend it cutting down the forest and weeds that have grown. Oh my… Strawberries are ready to eat, the rose survived and is growing like a weed, the tiny pine has doubled in size, the pear trees are in fantastic shape. I would say all in all; very successful…
Pictures tomorrow…