Sometimes you have to laugh about life…

Boza has been a learning lesson for me. A lesson about life…

I realize that sometimes you have to laugh about what life feeds you and accept that as a-okay…. This morning was one of those moments…

Boza and I stood at the elevator and waited for it to open. Boza was listening to the elevator coming and normally he stands in the correct spot, blindness or not and waits for the elevator. This morning he got turned around, maybe my fault and maybe not. I am not sure, but he turned around and faced the back wall if the hallway and stood waiting. He was staring at the empty wall…

I asked him, “What you doing?”

He looked up at my voice and gave me a look like, “What? The elevator is coming!” He is stubborn at times and did not move. He just knew that the door was in front of him and I just waited…. The door opened in a few seconds and he looked behind him…. Then he looked up at me as if to say, “Hey, they moved the elevator!”

I had to laugh, you know? Visa card for all else, but the look on Boza’s face, Priceless…

I let him sniff around and the door closed and he finally got his bearings. Then he looked at me as if to say, “Excuse me, but the door is closed!”

See it became my fault at that point…. So I pushed the button again and he walked onto the elevator and off we went to the ground floor…

We got off the elevator and Boza sniffed around and checked out both sides of the hallway. After a few minutes, he decided that everything was still where it should be and or where it has been put for now and off we went to walk. But I watched him and he showed how blind he was this morning. Somehow he had gotten turned around and he really was very sure that the elevator was on the opposite side than what it was. The look on his face was priceless…. He was kinda shocked at the situation, then he adjusted and accepted that us humans must have done something stupid and moved the elevator. I am not sure as to why this happened, but he, when we returned after the walk, once again knew what was what and led me, as the alpha wannabe he is, to the correct door…

Then he looked up at me, wagging his tail and I said, “You are the best smart boy in the world! That was a bad elevator, but now you know where to go!”

Boza pushed his face against my leg, his way of telling me that life is good and we went home to the flat. I started to laugh, for he just takes life with a grain of salt and takes what life gives him. He is a happy doggy. That is one thing I worried about with his blindness, “Will he adjust?”

I realize that you have to know Boza well to understand his facial expressions and dogs have expressions, but he was sure that we did something, akin to moving a chair in the way of where he walks in the flat and he simply accepts such human mistakes as normal. He is use to me doing something like putting a sack I just carried in, in the wrong place and he runs into it. It makes me feel bad and he always gives me that look. The look of, “You did it again!”

Therefore, we got into the flat, I asked him, “Hungry?” Nope, he said by actions. Lets do your eyes? Yes, he said by actions. I worked on his eyes, hugged him until he started to growl at me. He growls when he has decided that you are acting the fool, for hugging is only a short time span thing. You know?

I laughed and he rubbed his face against me to tell me that it is all okay and he went to bed again…. He is tolerant of his humans that wait on him hand and foot. Even the king has to bend to the wiles of the peasants. You know? 😉

Maybe if us humans would take life the same way as Boza does, we would be happier and less worried about trying to mold life into our dreams. For life is a roller coaster and maybe, just maybe we should enjoy the ride, instead of trying to rebuild the ride all the time…

I guess you had to be there?