Strange how so many do not see “Opium Wars” have never ended…

Drugs have been used all through history as a weapon:

A weapon to control the masses at home and or control other countries. When we talk about Afghanistan we ignore for the most part the issue that the USA has in the Opium trade around the world and the CIA’s involvement. Yes I know it is just a conspiracy whatchamacallit…

Or is it?

If we studied history, we would find that another empire used just such a drug to enslave China. Used the drug to get concessions and push to have changes made within China. It really is easy once you get millions hooked on Opium…

Very simple and it is in our face history…

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In 1839, England went to war with China because it was upset that Chinese officials had shut down its drug trafficking racket and confiscated its dope.

Stating the historical record so plainly is shocking — but it’s true, and the consequences of that act are still being felt today.

But…. What does that have to do with the USA?

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This is that same ole same ole, that I talk about. That circle of life…


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I know about this kind of stuff. I have sat in meets about how to control the masses. This is a common issue when it comes to empires and the USA is one of best at using it and most likely the worst at trying to use it. The opium simply comes home to roost, too many times and it shows in America…

It is a simple known fact that is ignored by everyday people, the USA, CIA and many other three letter demons, use opium to try to control everything from home to abroad. Opium is extremely addictive…

The US tries to push Opium to Russia, China, Europe and many more. The issue is that this substance gets out of sight and out of mind and ends up on our doorstep, just as it ends up on their doorstep. Money talks and America has a bunch of Opium users and I mean a bunch…

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What was much more controllable in the British Empire days, due to transportation, internet and just plain smaller world through technology, has backfired on the USA. The CIA does not care and will not care. The country is and has been as long as I remember heroin addicts… But lets play with Oxycontin also. Nasty crap people, nasty crap…

Therefore, some more:

As we sit around and fear North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan and dozens more…. We have a “Thousand Pound Gorilla” sitting among us and he is higher than a kite…

Russia is realizing what happened, just as Europe realized that drugs were being shipped through from Afghanistan to Europe and when this was realized, Mexico took on a role of even greater importance, Mexico is mainlining the stuff into America. This is big business and the USA instigators really do not care, as long as they get their money to garner their power structure and grow up to be as big as a “Thousand Pound Gorilla”…

I talked years ago about heroin issues in Russia.

This has receded and has become much better controlled. They people woke up for the most part..


Again Russia has woke up, but that circle of life has deposited it on another doorstep. Can’t make enough money from Russia, Europe and China? Send the crap to America…

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You are being played for the fool:

And we cultivate, guard and export the Afghanistan cream of the crop. That is why we have guards in the fields of Afghanistan. That is why we use our own cargo jets to transport it…. Gotta protect that money…

Just one last link to info…

Makes me all warm and fuzzy feeling… ;(


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.