CIA controlled ISIS just killed a Russian General…

In Syria, as a result of shelling by terrorists IS (“Islamic State”, the organization is banned in Russia), Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov died, RIA Novosti reported citing the Russian Defense Ministry. According to the military department, Lieutenant-General Asapov was the senior group of Russian military advisers, he was at the command post of the Syrian troops. Russian servicemen help the Syrian commanders in the operation of the operation to liberate the city of Deir ez-Zor. “As a result of a sudden mortar shelling of ISIS militants, Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov was mortally wounded by an explosion,” the Defense Ministry said. They added that the lieutenant-general is presented posthumously to a high state award….

Since we know it is fact (At least fact in the real world!) and acknowledged fact that ISIS is controlled by the CIA from within and or out of America. Once more we have a USA directed shelling of facilities associated with Syria…. Again in America; no one is in charge and everyone wants to be in charge… Sorry Trump, but you are just another Clinton, Bush and Obama type puppet…

We got a war coming and the out of control USA has lost complete control of its proxy terrorists forces in Syria. Or maybe they are in that chaotic control that I so often talk about here on Windows to Russia?

Whatever! It means only one things unless America gets real about getting rid of terrorists in Syria…. America has to stop supporting terrorists for its own agenda…

War is coming and it will be a war no one will be left to write the history about…

What I find interesting is that the western media has nothing but crickets chirping about all this involvement of the American CIA and other “three letter assemblies” in Syria. Should tell you about how controlled the western media is and how truth is just a nasty word to the west…

Remember; You are either part of the correction or you are part of the issue…


Lest you forget stuff? Read below link to refresh your memory…

— Garikai Chengu author of the article above, is a research scholar at Harvard University. Contact him on…