Panic Mode button is under the counter? Too Late…

The USA is indubitably desperate to the extreme that it’s comical in a Three Stooges/Keystone Cops sort of way. Except the US is the “800# Gorilla tearing up the China Closet…”

They are targeting innocent people now and in the past, destroying countries with impunity. The Balkans, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine, Syria; and what is next on their Hit List; North Korea (again,) Iran (again).

They tried the “Color Revolution” thingy in Belarus, but Russia gave Belarus a heads up on what was coming so that didn’t go according to plan. They tried “Color Revolution” in Turkey, but Russia slid some some Intel across to Turkey as well…

They want another, upon another, attempt at disrupting Iran, and in in their dreams of ecstasy, “Colorizing Russia”, but; they know millions and millions of our own people will die, so they are going to use Eastern Europeans as cannon fodder and stepping stones…. As they try to cross that muddy streamed area and survive… (We are in trouble the day that these world color revolutionists instigators don’t care about us peasants…)

The USA is in Panic Mode. The country is falling apart and it is without two (honest/indebted) pennies to rub together…. Literally penniless, for all is owed to someone and all we can think to do, is to pillage, rape and destroy other people’s countries instead of rebuilding our own…. Thus, trust for us Americans is at a new low, for we are akin to that Uncle Vinny that steals the silverware to pay for his drug habit…. Someone is trying to push the panic buttons in the Gov…. But, too many are too happy to party…

Push in emergency! But who is going to save us?

For: Someone came up with the great idea that debt is growth and when that idea took hold; we Americans rode it for all it is worth…. From most of the population to the very top, Gov/Corp, we went on a borrowing spree that has no equal in time. Then the rest of the world jumped on board and for the last decades, life has been one cocaine fueled party after another…

We really aren’t very smart! Are we?