- Moscow local train. Playing music…
- Chinese travel Russia
- Busy station. This is metal detector area.
- Train schedule in Chinese…
- My coach and conductor…
- Travel Russian style…
- Just out the window.
- Oops…
- My favorite empty park, Estonia…
- I like it…
- I like it also…
- Just though okay image…
- No eat animals…
- Earlier tower…
- Entrance sea side of Tallinn…
- Season is almost over and was cold…
- I like this door…
- Moscow; Ostankino Tower, I am home…
I am home!
Took five days to get everything done. I am worn out and will just post some images for today…
Nice trip, Estonia was nice as always, train travel as always and people were good and pleasant to meet and talk with. Estonia has become home away from home…. Just as Ukraine use to be…
I stayed at the Center Hotel and it was fantastic as the last time…
Center Hotel – Tallinn, Estonia Just wonderful… (Coffee Time)
I recommend them if you travel to Estonia and to Tallinn…
Will be back tomorrow, I am tired and sore. Need to rest and recover. I do not sleep the best on trains, but they are lots of fun and you meet lots of interesting people. The difference between train travelers and plane travelers is the speed you demand to get where you are going. Cost is about the same. Just the people are different…
Travel by train to see life, travel by plane to skip life…
That is how I look at it…