Wishing to be in the Tiny Russian Village…

This morning as I walked Boza,

And looked out of the flat windows and watched the snow fall deep and cold. I thought about the Tiny Russian Village. I thought about the wood burning stove. I thought about Boza and I walking through the snow covered valley, the snow drifted forests and checking the village out…

But alas, this year Boza and I are going to stay with our sweetie in Moscow. Besides it is basically too late to drive to the Tiny Russian Village anyway. Could take a train, taxi and then walk 3 to 4 kilometers into the village but I am not sure Boza could do it anymore…

The Tiny Russian Village is magical…

There is something about the village that heals the soul and body. I say it is 75% mental healing and 25% physical healing. Regardless, I swear by the brick piece from the monastery wall, that I keep by the village home door, I touch it as I leave to walk Boza. It seems to make arthritis fade and it gives me thoughts on where to walk and enjoy life…

Strange huh?

Magical but tough…

The village is amazing when it is deep in snow. It is a winter wonderland that tops all winter wonderlands, but, it is tough to survive there…

I do not have enough wood to survive the winter already cut, due to having to deal with Boza and his eye issues. I spent most of the summer in Moscow. It is the summer time that you have to cut, split and chop wood for the winter. For spring and fall are basically just winter also…. Summer is only real time to do the work and that is basically 2 months long…. I only had two stacks of wood this year and I need four to survive a winter in the village…

The main thing though is this…

It is not Boza and his ailments, it is not me and my ailments, it is not the cold, it is not the isolation (that is my favorite part), it is not even not enough wood, it is the fact Svetochka missed Boza and I. She missed her boys and we missed her also. Until we can get to the point that Svetochka can be full time in the village, we have to share our living between Moscow and the Tiny Russian Village…

We all have wishes and dreams…

My dream and wishes are for Sveta, Boza and I to live full time in the Tiny Russian Village. This may not happen and I may have to settle for part time living there. Though I have tons of stuff to do there and saving the village home and making it secure is a big issue. I have come a long ways in that aspect, I would like to finish it…

To live in the village year around is the ultimate prize in life for me. There is something about the monastery and its healing properties, there is something about rubbing shoulders with Mother Nature and being isolated away from masses of humanity, keeps one sane and stable…

Someday, I hope Svetochka will live in the Tiny Russian Village…

I went to get another cup of coffee…

Actually I grabbed a cup of blueberry chicory. I had my two cup limit already of real coffee and I better drink something not so stimulating. Besides, chicory is good for you and the blueberry type is delicious. I can drink it at night and not have sleep issues. That is another reason to stop coffee drinking after two cups…

I need to check on the two sleeping beauties in the other room. Boza is going to need his eyes done and Svetochka needs to be tucked back under her blankets. She gets all uncovered at times and I pull her blankets back over her several times in the night. My sleep is broken up into two periods during my day. Boza had to get up at 3 a.m. this morning. He had doggy things to do and once I go outside into -10 degree weather and walk around, I am awake for the big part of the day. Boza of course just goes right back to bed… 😉

I then sip a cup of coffee and write something intelligent and or not intelligent. I guess it is up to what the readers think. If they like what I say or not. Most of the time people dislike what I say. For what I say does not fall into the politically correct and it is not all wrapped up with pretty bows and ribbons to keep everyone’s feelings safe from the facts of life…

Then later in the day, I take a nap. Normally this last from 1 to 2 hours. I try to keep it at 1 hour. I hate wasting my day, but since many times I only get 4 to 5 hours of sleep in a normal night, I need a little more sleep….have to consider my heart issues and all…

Therefore, I am going to think of the Tiny Russian Village today…

The Tiny Russian Village

Boza and I miss it!