People I worked by, taught, had friendship and simply knew… (Gone)

I am thinking…
Two more friends, colleagues and or trainees of my past have died. That makes a dozen or more in the few years…

Most are dying in their 50’s, and for me, who is older than them, makes me sad. Kinda like outliving your kids. That I myself have experienced personally and hope to not outlive anymore. But, people (men and women are in this same boat) I have taught and watched grow into fabulous managers and become at the top of their field, are dying and that makes me look at what I and they did for a living…

It is a given that no one but no one is left from the early days of war. There are still many left from my high school era and the university. But it seems that being a manager and in food service is a nasty combination. That combination almost got me also…

I could say that youth has taken over my past in food service, but it would actually be sadder to say the truth, death has taken the old and had to be replaced with the new…except the old was simply not that old…

Fast pace, eating wrong, drinking, smoking and stressing to the max. Is the basic traits for a manager in food service. Most that have died recently are people who had to keep working, even after having heart attacks. Many have made it to retirement and died soon thereafter…

I find it interesting to look around me at people I knew and or still know in the US. The number of people is dwindling, even as I write this, yet they are not that old…

How do they cover up in the statistics the young deaths of 50 to 60 years old and keep the average lifespan so high?

That’s not really meant to happen in developed countries

Source: Life expectancy in America has declined for two years in a row


Maybe they can’t! Maybe it is too prevalent to cover it all up?