Get a grip USA…

I am thinking…

The United States just can’t seem to come to grips with a new reality – that most of the world’s people live in the ‘Old World’ on the other side of the planet, that Russia, China and some other nations have decided to assert themselves as regional powers, that China eventually will be a superpower, that nations over there have decided and want to manage their own affairs without the interference of the US, and that there are now limits to what we can control “over there.” It has reached the point where the bunglers who manage foreign policy in this country (USA) feel that we have to do something over there, even if we don’t know what we are doing and even if our actions usually produce outcomes that are worse for our interference. The cold war is over and the US is trying to revive it, even though the “Red Menace” no longer exists. If this country can’t come to grips with the reality that it is no longer the big dog in every corner of the world, it will slide into irrelevance or, worse, start a nuclear war. American exceptionalism will render the country a has-been, third world, banana republic. It’s long past time for this country to extract its head from its posterior and come to grips with its new role in the world, before we further bankrupt ourselves in more hopeless military quagmires…