Land of a 1000 dictators – America…

And they call me a dictator!

USA, a land of a 1000 dictators. Public cannot change them but only pay them taxes…

I received the email above. Simple to the point and very accurate…

I have talked about the US Gov. as wannabe Napoleons and Hitlers….I have many articles about this subject and it is how many Russians view the USA…

McCain and Saakashvili; large and in charge in Ukraine…

You wonder who really is running the U.S., because it sure is not our president and it makes me claim once again, “The USA is run by thousands and thousands of wannabe Hitler’s and Napoleon’s!”

Really people, the world has enough issues! Why the hell do we need a bunch of “wannabe Hitler’s and Napoleon’s” running loose?

Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?


PS: We have lots of popcorn in Russia, it is good to watch the chaos with…