Wind Chill -35 this morning. Actual around -23…lets walk

Look familiar? That is because it is Colonel Sanders and his famous chicken. KFC…

I say we are a third world country in Russia, because, we have KFC, McDonald’s, Subway, TGiF and Burger King. Without such western delights we would be a whole bunch higher on the list of non rotten places to eat… It is true…

I see that the UK is freaking out over some low temperatures. I hate to tell them this but they do not know what cold is. Lets go to Canada, Russia, Finland, Sweden and that Norwegian spot on earth. Then they can have fun…

Stores are wiped out in the UK of breads and such. I even saw a person on a video buying 7 gallons of milk and then everyone got into a fight (Pissed people off at the hoarding.) What the HELL is wrong with people? Schools are closed and all that. In Russia they do not even think about closing schools until it gets into the -40’s and most of the time -50 and the kids are still trudging to school, not bused, walking…

It is cold people and the trucks still run, the stores are full of food and people are everywhere walking…

Different strokes for different folks….we need to toughen up in some parts of the world….Maybe the whole world?

10,000 steps again. Walked from 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Freezing my little piggy’s, but now they are happy again….actually I have great boots and they do a good job. My feet were warm. But running around barefooted would be really stupid out there right now… 😉

But….I saw a crazy Russian. Yes Russians can be a little bit nuts at times. This guy was running to exercise. Black Speedo and shoes. Starked naked as a Jaybird otherwise. He was in good shape, but I had to wonder a little bit about his mental condition, but then Russians go jump in a frozen lake after cutting a hole in the ice, even if it is -50 below…

Oh Well! Not me…

Lats talk about tough Canadian women…

Leave it to the guy to narrate, watch and film…

Worth Reading:

I am going to have another cup of coffee….see you later…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.