We have come full circle… Spot a Communist (Old US propaganda video.)

In this set of clips, Americans are shown how to spot Communists. For example: “If a person consistently reads and advocates the views expressed in a Communist publication, he may be a Communist. If a person defends the activities of Communist nations while consistently attacking the domestic and foreign policies of the United States, she may be a Communist.[…] If a person does all these things, over a period of time, he MUST be a Communist!” The video also goes on to demonstrate the evils of Communists stealing one’s daughter away to work on a collective farm.

Frighting isn’t it?

Soon we will play; “How to spot a Russian!”

Oh Wait….we are already doing that…

A Facebook tool will let users see if they fell for Russian propaganda – The Verge

Source: A Facebook tool will let users see if they fell for Russian propaganda – The Verge

I guess I am already behind the times…