Never are lies blocked, just inconvenient truths…

I have the honor to be banned, blocked and deleted from both Facebook and Twitter. It is an honor I take seriously and feel sorry for those thinking that social media is a perfect world. I used Facebook and Twitter as a way to expand the information that I present upon the WtR website and I guess someone takes offense to that.They were just tools to bring more people to see the truth…

Truth about Russia in the west is never a good thing and mixing truth about Russia and truth about America and her cronies is definitely a killer combination…

You can block my Twitter, You can Block my Facebook, but I still can use them to bring messages from others until they themselves are blocked, as I have been…

It seems someone in Washington DC has a personal issue with me and I am always finding WtR and myself in with the big boys, yet never am I even considered a big boy on the internet. Well at one time WtR was huge and scared a few in DC, it looks like they are determined to keep WtR that way… 😉

I will say that WtR’s presence had grown fast on Twitter recently and I think that was the issue…

Twitter has begun to remove tweets which it deems offensive in a move to further punish abusive behaviour on the site. The social network recently began limiting accounts after the use of language that Twitter feels is objectionable. But in a further crackdown, individual tweets are now being removed from public visibility – without informing the people who posted them.

Source: Twitter is ‘ghost’ deleting tweets without informing users | Daily Mail Online


Source: Tweet Tweet and then gone, like Facebook… | Windows to Russia





It is not just Tweet Tweet. It is YouTube, iTunes, Google, Twitter, Facebook and many others. The censorship is growing and sites like WtR are the targets. We tell many things that upset the status quo…

Never are lies blocked, just inconvenient truths…


Stop the Truth: For you must lie or die…