Ukraine has been a testing ground in the past for illegal things…

I was in on the Ukraine blocking of websites (2011) many years ago. WtR was being blocked by a new software be tested by Ukraine. This usage of Ukraine as a test site is nothing new…

Ukraine is Blocking Windows to Russia on a Permanent Basis – (Tuesday, August 16, 2011)

Now in another type of should be illegal (morally or not) activity…

Ukrainian State Border Service Head Pyotr Tsigikal said earlier that security measures would be tightened at crossing points. “The entry of foreigners, first and foremost, Russian nationals, has been restricted. Russian men aged 16 to 60 have been barred from entering the country,” he said at a meeting dedicated to ensuring the country’s defense capability in the situation of martial law, which also involved Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko.

This is just the testing ground for starting the rounding up of Russians in the west…

Very important and it is the start of UK/USA rounding up Russians…

Russians living in the west and lap puppy eastern states, better get their act together. They will be coming for you….sooner or later…

One step at a time…

Russians are the Boogeymen!