Wow, I really found the original pre-DDoS DHS attack: WtR Template

I finally found the complete template. Not pieces and scarps, but the original template that I created. It just fits like a glove and I had to smile. I updated it and installed some protection corrections and maybe just maybe, DHS (Department of Homeland Security in the US) will leave me alone. I am really tired of being threatened by DHS, TSA, DC and several other alphabet letter wannabes.

Attack: said “The Killer DHS and TSA”

Battleing denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) against Windows to Russia from my own Homeland…

Therefore, I am glad to see the actual original, most favorite template of mine. We have been running on a very light weight, yet ugly template. It was really good at resisting attacks and so I kept it awhile. But, I found my Grumpy Bear Template…