Yesterday something big happened???

And I cannot find anything about what I took pictures of, local news and or any news…

Svetochka found a couple links to some local news about some men, arrested for past crimes…

РИАМО – 23 апр. Сотрудники управления угрозыска ГУ МВД России по Московской области совместно с коллегами из УМВД России по городскому округу Красногорск и городскому округу Химки задержали троих ранее неоднократно судимых мужчин в возрасте от 40 до 54 лет, подозреваемых в совершении серии квартирных краж, говорится в сообщении пресс-службы главка областной полиции.

Source: Задержаны трое рецидивистов по подозрению в квартирных кражах в Королеве – Общество – РИАМО в Королеве

and some newer crimes committed…

РИАМО (КОРОЛЕВ) – 23 апр. В Королеве сотрудники полиции задержали 30-летнего мужчину, находившегося в федеральном розыске за совершение разбоя, сообщила «РИАМО в Королеве» старший инспектор направления по связям со СМИ УМВД РФ по городскому округу Королев Оксана Еруновская.

Source: В Королеве задержали мужчину, находившегося в федеральном розыске за разбой – Происшествия – РИАМО в Королеве


I found the cops working on the above two cases and they were still taking pictures and checking the flats that had been effected….but in the middle of all the above reported incidents, which involved men only…

I watched a woman being escorted through the train station, being stopped at several spots and questioned. She was in handcuffs and there was a very large group of police, including high officials, surrounding her…

In the images I posted above, was the last place they stopped and she was asked questions and you could see her answer and nod her head yes and no…

Then they loaded her into a paddy wagon…

Therefore, I have to contemplate about what I saw. I suspect that the links above are separate issues and that hustle and bustle was just going on around wheresoever, all over the place yesterday, busy cop day…

I will update as I find out more, if I find out more….the reason that I mention the woman above in the images, is that what I saw and what I watched was very delicately done. No, she was arrested, no she was not mistreated, but she was a very important arrest. She was also guarded and what we would call police chiefs were involved. They stopped filmed her and asked her questions at key spots. She also had things pointed out to her and was shown several items. She responded and they would ask her same question over and over, as they filmed the whole thing on their phones…

I have my suspicions…


PS: This display of escorting a prisoner is very rare…