North Korean coal barges are a direct threat to American sovereignty

We (Americans) have much to fear from a NK coal barge…

U.S. authorities have seized a North Korean ship allegedly used to sell coal in violation of international sanctions, the first such move by Justice Department officials as they ratchet up enforcement efforts against the regime in Pyongyang. Justice Department officials Thursday confirmed that the vessel, the Wise Honest, was approaching U.S. territorial waters in American Samoa, in coordination with the U.S. Marshals Service and the Coast Guard. “This sanctions-busting ship is now out of service,” As

Source: U.S. authorities seize North Korean coal ship, accuse Pyongyang of violating international sanctions – The Washington Post

Yes, the mighty have fallen far this day and age…

You should be ashamed of yourself USA…

North Korean coal barges are a direct threat to American sovereignty… ~Sarc~

Is that not obvious?


We proudly proclaim, “This sanctions-busting ship is now out of service.”

Thank God