There is no amount of trade on the planet that is going to fix that.

This whole issue is just a side show that all of a sudden has been thrust to the forefront as if it is all that matters…

The real issue is never going to be fixed by any trade war. The real issue that is killing America and destroying her future is D-E-B-T. Debt destroys those that find themselves needing it and it enriches those that don’t need it but can wield it like a weapon to suck up the assets of the world…

There is no amount of trade on the planet that is going to fix that. The debt load is killing us…, not China, is sucking the life out if us. What’s the deficit going to be this year, another trillion dollars? The interest this year, 800 billion dollars?

Debt has created a world of haves and have nots in what was formerly the “land of opportunity”. Our society and economy runs on debt. That means we have to run to stay ahead of the debt and the juice. The bigger the debt the faster we have to run. The debt is catching us. A trade war will help it catch us. When it does, there is going to be major pain as we de-lever. Whether we implode by default or hyper inflation, the resulting pain will be the same. Those are the only two options at this point. A trade war with China will hasten our default or hyper inflation. I foresee a rate cut in the near future and another form of QE being implemented…

The world economy is rolling down hill faster each week. They will stimulate (OE) at some point with more debt…..which will exacerbate the problem…….requiring more stimulus…….and so forth…

The iceberg was hit long ago. The true issue is a “big damn hole” in the side of the ship…