- Finally finished the utility building…
- New decorations around our flats…
They are getting ready to paint our building inside. I see the sample colors downstairs on the walls…
I am trying to imagine which color the busybody gossiping babushkas who think they run our building will pick for a color?
My 29 ruble cup of coffee is back…
It is really good coffee and they had issues with waste and cup size, which is what caused the huge waste issue and also non-profit for the coffee company. They fixed all that and while I am glad the coffee is back, I am grouchy because I cannot rip them off anymore…
In the past, for 29 rubles they had a cup so big that I could push the button twice and fill the cup to the top. No waste and I was able to get two 29 ruble coffees in one cup….then they realized the issue and shut the machines down. Down for six months at least…
Now the coffee is back…
Just as good and just as cheap, but a smaller cup that holds one push of the button and it fills to the top…
They also have a huge sign that says, “Do not push the button twice and or you will die a horrible death!”
Well okay they did not go that drastic and I did not see any dead bodies around, but I imagine that they are thinking such thoughts…;)
It did give us as warning about the usage of the coffee machine…
Svetochka and I walked to the new Decathlon.Ru near Globus. I needed to get new grips for my bike and they had what I needed. My my my, it was a busy place. People buying everything from nunchucks to bicycle trailers. As with all businesses in Russia, they have opened the doors and are not ready. It amazes me about a world that opens a business and the places are only half done. This is after taking years to get a place opened in the first place…
I have talked about this before and it will always amaze me. No one is ever in a hurry in Russia, for there is always (завтра – zavtra) tomorrow…
I do like the word Zavtra…
I knew there was some form of American upstairs above us…
She is always singing at the top of her lungs, in English, did I say at the top of her lungs?
I met her on the elevator and knew immediately that she was no Russia. She also spieled off a huge sentence in broken Russian with a perfect Amerikansky accent to tell me to push the button for the third floor. See we live on the second floor and she is right above us in a single room that is rented. She also sings constantly at the top of her lungs…
I said, “You could have just said (три – tri) three and I would push the button!” (Simple tidbit of info; you want to blend in in Russia, say as few words as you can, for Russians when they do not know each other, speak very low and very little.)
I decided that as she stuttered and stammered about the fact that an English speaker was right below her on the second floor, that the best thing to do is not continue with any conversation and I stepped off the elevator on floor two and said, “adieu” and left her standing there with her mouth hanging open….I had no desire to answer questions about who, what, where and why…
As my grandma would have said, “Shut your trap or the flies will get in!”
An issue I have is unobservant people….this gal has lived here for over a year and she never one time realized that there is an American living below her. I knew long ago that she was there, but I am not desiring to meet people like her. Her and her room mates act like they are the only ones in the building and it gets really bad when it is two to three a.m. and they are partying….the people living with her are hillbillies from the Russian villages and they are classic as the hillbillies in America…
But to give the gal a break; I do not act and look like an American in Russia…
If you did not gather, the people above us, which are two separate rented units within one flat, definitely irritate Svetochka and I. Constant noise, constant banging, constant blasting music and did I say singing at the top of their lungs…
And one of them just has to be a loud noisy American…
PS: Told you I am grouchy at times… 😉