Just a conceptualization of as I walk… (2)

The Orthodox Church plays a huge role in Russian life, as it should be…

Lets talk Kids…

This morning I was thinking about kids in Russia. The Russians are very and I mean very attuned to their kids. Yes, you have the occasional oddball that could careless about children that they have, but a Russian puts their child first and foremost…

This has its drawbacks; Low birthrate and that is because of wanting to give all they can to the child and more children mean less attention to just one child. The Russian government has been giving large sums of money to couples that will have one child and much more money to every child that the couple has extra. This leads to a whole new set of issues and it is already rearing its head in society. This is another post and not to be expanded upon here…

Lets just say, having children for money is the same as having children on welfare and being paid more in food stamps and other welfare items for each child you have…

Though for now, when one child is born that usually ends up being the only child and the parents devote themselves to that child to make their life the best it can be. You can see the difference in how the children are in society when you see a family from an0ther country that has no desire to raise their children to receive the best of life. A family from the Caucasus is normal six or more children and they are very much wild monkeys when in public. The mothers and fathers never care what they do and a family of them will destroy a restaurant in a heartbeat. You even have to watch your food that you are eating, for these children will grab it from in front of you if you look away…

Russians watch their children and the children are raised to be polite….but that is changing when you start having children just for the money. Kinda like buying good grades for your kids. Be it pay money for every A and or paying the school to make your child shine. It is false and not desired, but money is a form of a god…

I ate breakfast in Globus as I do almost every morning. I have been watching how the dads will bring the child and or two if they have that many and sit with them and have breakfast. They talk and laugh and plan their day. Mom is at home resting during these times, for she does the brunt of raising the kids. Dad is at work and mom is at home, 80% of the time. Thus, dad does his part the best he can and it is only fair to all…

It is what it is and actually the way it should be. Mom nurtures and dad gather the bacon, so to speak…

A family in Russia is still a man and woman having a child and being a family. Not the screwed up system that has been flourishing in the western world. Male + Female = a child, just like 1+1=2…

My son in-law and his wife have had a second child and they realized immediately that their dream of four children will not happen. They did the second partly for the money and found that life did not just become twice as hard, but a 3 year old and a newborn are a bunch of work and life became three times harder. The grandmas are helping all they can and Sveta’s son who works 60 hours a week does what he can. But mom has become a full time babysitter, that does not allow the typical Russian way of raising children…

I am done for today and have a few more posts to write about what I see as I live in Russia…


Just a conceptualization of as I walk… (1)