Early 2020 Flu Season Statistics and Other Influenza News

The agency estimates that so far this flu season there have been 9.7 million flu illnesses, 87,000 hospitalizations and 4800 deaths from flu, including 32 pediatric deaths. More than 170 million doses of the flu vaccine have been administered, they added.

Source: Early 2020 Flu Season Statistics and Other Influenza News

So with that news above, you see why I question the coronavirus issue…

I guess I am confused about the importance of Flu vs Coronaviruses…

Flu season is running all over coronavirus season so far. Looks like we should be doubling down and be worried about the flu and the coronavirus running at the same time. What happens when you get both at the same time? It might make a bad death scene issue…


I ask and am not finding an answer about how many Chinese have the flu reported right now?

There’s a deadly virus spreading from state to state. It preys on the most vulnerable, striking the sick and the old without mercy. In just the past few months, it has claimed the lives of at least 39 children. The virus is influenza, and it poses a far greater threat to Americans than the coronavirus from China that has made headlines around the world. “When we think about the relative danger of this new coronavirus and influenza, there’s just no comparison,” said Dr. William Schaffner

Source: Coronavirus vs. flu: Influenza deadlier than Wuhan, China, disease

So why and what is the agenda to exasperate one over the other?

Looks like the flu could be adding to the issue silently in the background and we are all running around like Chicken Little…

Maybe the sky is falling. We will find out, I guess…

Worldwide, the flu causes up to 5 million cases of very serious illness all over the world and kills up to 650,000+ people every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)…

And yet, we aren’t particularly concerned about the flu and are riding the Coronavirus horse to death…

Personally, the flu is my concern right now and in Russia flu season has not started, yet….it will soon…


Found this on Chinese and flu…


Interesting….that means 45+ million people in China in 2017 got the official flu…
